Has a super-volcano begun to stir beneath the placid Lake Taupo in New Zealand?

New Zealand’s Lake Taupo with its azure serene waters and surrounding mountains and peaks reflects peace and serenity which people visiting the area can immediately feel. Yet, deep below these calm waters, as per a sciencealert.com report there is a geological unrest.

This is what has been stated by a new paper published in the New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics.

The lake, which is situated in the centre of New Zealand’s north island, enjoys the distinction of being the largest freshwater lake in Australasia.

The past of this lake has been violent. It is in the lap of a prehistoric caldera which has derived from the Spanish word for cauldron or boiling pot and came into being during Earth’s last super-eruption which took place 25,400 years ago – the Oruanui eruption.

During the release of magma during a supervolcano occurring in an eruption like the Oruanui one, the depleted magma vents cave in, the surface of the earth sinks resulting in a permanent change in the landscape by creating a caldera.


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