Braving forest fires of Himachal - the inspiring story of Raveena Chauhan

Amidst raging fires, triggered by unusually prolonged dry spell and early rise of high temperature this year, there is a heart-warming story about rural  women trying to save the forest's wealth in their vicinity while authorities sleep over massive loss to the environment in Himachal Pradesh.

The 23- old Raveena Chauhan at village Dodli has set an example, fighting the blaze for five hours and standing as a human wall not letting the fire engulf her house, apart from nearing the village.

The video of Chauhan has already gone viral on social media showing her how she braved the raging fire at Chail forests risking her own life.

“The fire has been going on for the past three days. I informed the forest department and even made calls at control room numbers. No one turned –up for 48 hours. One morning ,I noticed the fire approaching our village, my house too. I could not stop myself “ she told India Narrative.

Noticing her struggle with the fire, the villagers also joined. The fire was eventually doused before the forest teams reached the spot.

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