Need for tripartite dialogue for an end to the Ukraine war

After more than a month of the Russian invasion into Ukraine, the war is moving into an uncertain direction with no respite to the former’s onslaught on the latter causing unimaginable death, destruction and dislocation of innocent people. About 3.8 million people have already left for neighbouring European countries with Poland bearing the largest burden of hosting them. As the Russians make further advances into more Ukrainian cities, including in the western part of the country which remained unaffected till some time back, more people are likely to move out putting enormous pressure on bordering countries. While the Ukrainians are putting up a heroic resistance to the Russian attack, the military balance in terms of tanks, rockets, missiles and airpower are so much tilted in favour of the Russians that it is a question of time when Kyiv, Mariupol and Kharkiv will also fall to the Russians.

Russians and Ukrainian negotiators are conducting their sixth round of talks in Istanbul in Turkey with no important breakthrough as of writing this article. The only positive result from these negotiations is the creation of a few humanitarian corridors allowing people to flee to safer places. Even that is plagued by mutual recriminations by each party accusing the other of sabotaging smooth movement. Better not to mention the humanitarian catastrophe the war has imposed on the ordinary citizens, including women and children.

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