Eyes on lithium, China talks to Taliban while world’s focus is on Ukraine crisis

While the world is focused on dealing with the crisis in Ukraine, China is trying its best to gain control over the vast minerals of Afghanistan. Beijing has had its eye on the country’s vast mineral resources ever since the Taliban took over last year and Chinese companies are discussing mining rights and research access with the Kabul regime.

“Chinese mining companies have been scouting opportunities to access Afghanistan’s  lithium & copper deposits. Chinese mining industry representatives met with Taliban officials to discuss mining rights and research access to such minerals,” says Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) in its latest report.

According to the report, Afghanistan’s s lithium deposits could be among the largest in the world, rivaling those of Bolivia.

Although Afghanistan has vast mineral resources, most projects in extractive activities require a 5 to 10 years lead time, and will require significant improvements in security and a more investor-friendly regulatory environment. Uncertainties regarding security, poor infrastructure, and mining policies were acting as a bottleneck for the mining industry.

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