Taliban’s appeal to Muslim nations to recognise their government is likely to fail


Mohammad Hassan Akhund

Unable to get recognition from any country, the Taliban are reaching out to Muslim countries to recognise their new government in Afghanistan.

“I call on Muslim countries to take the lead and recognise us officially. Then I hope we will be able to develop quickly,” said  Mohammad Hassan Akhund, the regime’s Prime Minister.

No country has yet recognised the Taliban, with most waiting  to see how the group - accused of human rights abuses during their first stint in power - performs. Despite the claims made by the Taliban that they have fulfilled all the conditions of the world to get the government recognised, the ground realities are totally different. Although Taliban leaders have pledged to govern the country differently, they have not yet allowed most women to return to public sector jobs. While schoolboys were allowed to resume classes in September, secondary schools for girls across Afghanistan have remained shuttered.

The women have been staging almost daily protests to demand their rights, representation in government across the country. On the night of Wednesday, the Taliban once again cracked down violently on the women protestors and picked up three women activists after breaking into their homes in Kabul. According to witnesses, Taliban fighters tried to snatch mobile phones so that their atrocities could not be put on social media. But the group did manage to put a few videos on social media.

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