Honeymoon sours--frustrated Pakistan now has a dim view of the Taliban government in Afghanistan

Pakistan PM Imran Khan with Taliban Leaders. (Photo Credit : Twitter)

Pakistan is frustrated with the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and it came out in the open on Thursday when the Pakistani National Security Adviser Moeed Yusuf said that Islamabad was "not completely optimistic" with the Taliban rulers.

“Organised terrorist networks are still operating on the Afghan soil which is still being used against Pakistan,” Moeed Yusuf told the National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs. Pakistan was hopeful that the Taliban leaders would address its major security concerns by reigning in the militants of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) but the emboldened TTP had intensified its attacks on the Pakistani forces. Yusuf told the committee that Pakistan had approached the Afghan Taliban leadership after the group returned to power in August with a list of demands that included action against the TTP. However, the Afghan Taliban instead offered their good offices to broker a peace deal with the TTP.

“We did talk to them (TTP) which was mediated by the Taliban but it was a futile exercise and TTP unilaterally called off the month-long ceasefire,” Yusuf said. He added  that no sovereign country could meet TTP’s demands.

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