No money to hire female teachers so girls can’t study, says Taliban Minister


Taliban’s Higher Education Minister Abdul Baqi Haqqani says “co-education is unislamic” and the regime will not allow the concept of men and women studying together.

It has been more than 100 days and Afghan girls are still not allowed to attend school and college classes by the Taliban government which had promised that their new regime would be different from the old one of Mullah Omar.

In a new diktat, the Taliban’s Higher Education Minister Abdul Baqi Haqqani says “co-education is unislamic” and the regime will not allow the concept of men and women studying together.

Without specifying the time line, Haqqani said that the Taliban government has to make separate classes for girls and hire extra women lecturers that need more time and extra budget, reported Khaama Press.

The former student of “Jihad Factory”, the Darul Uloom Haqqaniya Madrasa in Pakistan, Abdul Baqi Haqqani made it clear that this not on their priority list and refused to answer that when girls might return to school and university classes across the country.

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