WHO chief Tedros, a mass murderer, lectures on leadership qualities

There is a saying in Hindi, ‘Chori aur seenazori.’ That is, wrongdoing followed with insolence. This is what we get from World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Here is a man who played a key role in spreading the coronavirus that has infected millions and killed over half a million people all over the world; and we don’t know when will it stop. And yet he has the temerity to lecture the world about leadership qualities. WHO
“My friends, make no mistake: The greatest threat we face now is not the virus itself,” he said in a speech in Geneva last week. “Rather, it’s the lack of leadership and solidarity at the global and national levels.”
The man who should be charged with crimes against humanity continues to hold the highest office responsible for health across the globe. Tedros persists in speechifying; this is intolerable. Something is grievously wrong with the global multilateral agencies. There is no accountability.
Worse, he continues to be the hero of the public health mafia that has done so much harm to mankind in the last few months. Furthermore, the mainstream media continues to see a hero in Tedros because Trump slams him. So, CNN gleefully reported, “His [Tedros’] intervention will be seen as a thinly veiled swipe at leaders including US President Donald Trump, who has waged a public battle against WHO while failing to suppress the world’s worst Covid-19 outbreak in his own country” (https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/10/world/who-tedros-adhanom-unity-plea-intl-scli/index.html).
Even if Trump has not handled the corona crisis properly—though that’s not correct—at worst he can be accused of incompetence, not of mass murder. But Tedros colluded with Chinese President Xi Jinping to spread Covid-19 in other countries.
In the last week of December 2019, top Chinese Communist Party bosses knew about the spread and lethality of the novel coronavirus, but they didn’t inform other countries about it. Had they announced the high transmissibility of the coronavirus three weeks before when they did, on January 20, Covid-19 casualties would have been 95 per cent less.
Nature, a leading science magazine, reported on March 17, “Epidemiologists say China’s mammoth response had one glaring flaw: it started too late. In the initial weeks of the outbreak in December and January, Wuhan authorities were slow to report cases of the mysterious infection, which delayed measures to contain it, says Howard Markel, a public-health researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. ‘The delay of China to act is probably responsible for this world event,’ says Markel” (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00741-x).
The magazine also reported about a model simulation by Lai Shengjie and Andrew Tatem, emerging-disease researchers at the University of Southampton, UK. It showed that “if China had implemented its control measures a week earlier, it could have prevented 67 per cent of all cases there. Implementing the measures three weeks earlier, from the beginning of January, would have cut the number of infections to 5 per cent of the total.”
It is not clear why did Xi and the CCP want to infect the world but it’s quite evident that they did want to do that—and did that. Nothing else explains their reluctance to inform the world about the dangerous virus.
Tedros’ WHO proved to be a willing accomplice. It lulled the world into believing that the problem was not big. It didn’t recommend travel ban from and to China: Tedros couldn’t anger his masters in Beijing. Nor did it warn other governments about the gravity of the crisis. In fact, the WHO infamously tweeted on January 14, “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China.”
Clearly, Tedros has blood of hundreds of thousands of people on his hand. It is a shame that he is still allowed to head the global health body. The man who should be rotting in some prison cell is pontificating about “leadership and solidarity at the global and national levels.”


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